Price of Moon pebble is 8,55,5 thousand dollars
Price of Moon pebble is 8,55,5 thousand dollars
At the time of the Soviet Union during the Soviet Union in 1970, three pieces of graffiti collected from the moonpiece were sold at 8,55,5 thousand dollars .
On Thursday, stones were sold through auction in New York City in the United States. News AFP
The auctioneer Sotheby's Auction House says, the only 'moon-stone' in someone's hands are these. An American citizen, unwilling to disclose the name, bought stone pieces in auction in 1993 for four hundred and forty thousand 42 thousand dollars. He gave Sotheby's these stones to sell.
The purchaser of these stones bought on Thursday from Sotheby's is an American. His name has not been published.
Sothby says Nina Ivanovna Corleva, the real owner of these lunar stones. She is the widow of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, former director of the Soviet Union Space Program. In recognition to his husband's contribution to the space program, the space company presented these stones to his wife.
In a statement, the auctioneer said in a statement that in September 1970, a robotic spacecraft Luna -16 dug 13.8 inches on the moon surface and collected these stones as a sample.
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